Friday, September 27, 2013

That Hurts in my Butt Day 13

A good morning today. I love it when you wake up and feel skinnier. Now I know I am getter fitter. My weight is gradually dropping and my stomach is looking flatter/narrower. Bring it on!

This morning, decided to take my new friend's example and make an omelette.  I cut some yellow and red pepper, about 33g, and some green pepper and lightly fried them in my omelette pan. If you haven't seen one, it's rectangular-shaped and works like a charm (see pics below). Remember to always use extra virigin olive oil when cooking healthy.  You don't need much. It's more expensive, but is worth it! (And it's healthier.) Then I mixed two eggs with some soya sauce and Mrs. Dash. I just poured this mixture over the peppers and let it cook until I could see the bottom cooking (until it was almost done). Then flipped it in half from front to back. And I flipped again (it's sideways in the picture though) to get any extra that started coming out. It looked yummy! With this, I had natto and yogurt.

For lunch, I had chicken breast on salad (lettuce, cucumber, broccoli) and wakame soup. Lately, I put just enough ingredients in a small container and add it to hot water at work. Here, i brought consomme soup base, sesame, and dried wakame. I love having soup now the weather is cooler.

On my break, I went to see the chiropractor and got the 整体 course again. He was a lot stronger this time. That, plus I was so stiff from training. He said my upper butt was especially stiff and gave me a heavy massage (doesn't that sound wrong?) Believe me, I did not enjoy it. I let him work on my muscles all the while writhing in pain. It felt like he was poking me with sharp instruments. Other than that, it was really good. I don't like the sounds when he cracks anything though. We'll see if it helps with performance next session. I know there will be squats for sure.

Snack today was dried fish and pickled wakame.

Dinner should be fish, preferably sashimi. So I bought maguro. I also picked up snap peas, which I blanched, and spinach, which I added to miso soup along with tofu, mushrooms, and bean sprouts. Yummy dinner!

I had a good feeling today!  

Your meals are okay.

For breakfast, (you intake was) 5g of sugar and 12g of protein.
Lunch - 15g of protein.
Dinner - 18g of protein.

That's just my approximation...

(I think this means I need more's hard to get enough sometimes.)

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