Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Aloha, Sprinklerinos!

Just kidding!  That is what a popular youtuber says whenever she starts her movie, etc.  I don't have an opener, so I borrowed that one today! If you are interested in her, her name is Louise and she is a blogger/YTer from England (SprinkleOfGlitter).

This week was a lot of fun!

Went drinking with a couple of coworkers on Wednesday.  Ended up drinking more than expected, but we had so much fun and ate yummy food too.  Slept like a baby that night (was too ''happy'' to notice the humidity.)



I found my regular yogurt drinks (ブルガリアのむヨーグルト) with cute Mickey & Minnie on them and had to buy them! 

Love how they are wearing glasses on this one!

I got my nails done on Friday for the wedding and loved my nails.  I went for a natural, nude look with polka-dots to match my dress.

Saturday morning came and I got up early to go to the station to get my hair done.  She asked me if I wanted ''cute'' or ''cool''.  As I did not know what she meant by cool, I said cute (who doesn't want to look cute?). And here was the finished look:

Hopped in a cab back home, so I could get home fast and do my makeup and get dressed to go in less than 45 minutes...only to find that Hideki had left the house to get the car wash, leaving behind his phone, and me locked up.  Fortunately, his mom has a key to the house, so I walked over and got it and was back doing my makeup before he got back.  In the end, I actually ended up being ready before he was (angels were on my side).  The wedding was a big success and so much fun!

Me and the happy couple

Beautiful rose-coloured dress!

Hidkeki's aunt made a ton of gyozas for us later that night (about 60!) and they were so good...even though we were still full from the wedding.  :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Japan Lifestyle Gets a Blog!

Minna-san, Konnichiwa!  
Hi, Everyone!

Welcome to my new blog, My Japan Lifestyle...and it's so easy to remember www.myjapanlifestyle.blogspot.jp. Be sure to tell all your friends, lol.  (Wink, wink).  

My intention with this blog is to post events (mainly pictures) about my life and things that go on in my life while living in Japan...and perhaps some other places, like when I visit Canada and elsewhere.  I hope it provides insight to those curious about my Japan lifestyle and for those Japanese natives, a foreigners' perspective.  

Occasionally, I will add some Japanese characters throughout my blog.  If you can't read them and have no interest, don't worry about it.  Some people need to have their computers Japanese-enabled.  I just have a Japanese computer.  Other times, I will try to write the Japanese in Romanji or English letters for you to read.  Good luck and I hope you learn a bit of language along the way.  

Feel free to comment, ask questions, and share your thoughts with me!  After all, I want this to be a relaxing, interesting, and open space for all.  

Dewa, kore kara mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Until next time!

Sherri シェリー