*** I had to repost this due to some technical difficulties, so it's not exactly the same as the original, but you get the point.
Today shall be known as the terrible dieting day! It might not look like it, but I ate too much food and had things that added up to a higher sugar intake. I knew this as soon as I got my trainer's feedback from the previous day. I'll mention that episode again later, but let's get to my meals today.
Breakfast: I wanted a salad and I love vegetables, so I put some avocado, tomato (half of each), and a couple slices of carrot left over from when I made the nabe. Then I needed protein, so I had an egg, natto. With okara on the side. I actually didn't eat the cucumber and konbu for breakfast. I thought this wasn't bad, but I know now that I should not have had the tomato, carrot, and avocado all together.
Lunch: I had cabbage and salmon with bean sprouts. To add to that, I had an egg, mozuku, and plain yogurt. I miss having yogurt whenever I want. :(
My snack today was yakinori (roasted seaweed). After I ate it, I realized I had seaweed all in my teeth. Must be careful with this one.
Around mid-afternoon, I got a mail from my trainer about my previous day's meals. You can check that out in yesterday post here. I was freaking out and couldn't believe I was following my diet properly. I already felt like I wasn't eating much. I was lost, confused, and very worried. I wanted to do my best. I got picked up from work to go grocery shopping and it felt a lot better to talk to Hideki about it. He is so supportive and lets me take all the time I need at the store checking everything and thinking about what I should eat. Then I decided that the past was the past, I would move on and just think about this day on. Half a day of fretting was quite enough for me.
Dinner: So our healthy dinner that night was aji (horse mackerel), miso soup (with tofu (100g), wakame, and nameko), and the leftover pickles from this morning. My drink was just jasmine tea. Hideki had the same thing. I felt very confident that this was healthy and prayed that tomorrow's critique would be much better. Fingers crossed!
一番の成功法としては、SIMPLE IS THE BEST です。
(Today's meals) were pretty severe.
The best way to succeed is SIMPLE IS BEST.
I think from experience that eating simple foods like tofu, natto, egg, konyaku, chicken, wakame, salad will give you results.
Today's breakfast was simple, but you added tomato, avocado, and carrot.
Adding three foods you should be using less of, it's severe (equals bad!)
Instead of putting them on the salad, you could put tofu and wakame.
...試してみて下さい :)
So please try that. (Okay! :) )
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