Hi everyone! How are you? I am great! Not so much muscle pain. Just a bit in my shoulders and glutes (good, right?)
Everyday is exciting, especially when I get to sneak a peek at my weight. Do you think I would wait until my next session to check? No way! To let you know, I am losing weight, steadily. And boy am I happy.
K, on to meals. Today I had to drink a lot of protein because it was my recovery day. First thing, after waking, I had my first shake with water. Lunch with water. And before bed, with water.
Tofu (100g) with dried salmon flakes from my friend in Hokkaido (soya sauce on top).
The dish on the right was from a recipe I found on the Cookpad website.
Bean sprouts and Chicken Flakes (sesame, soya sauce, tobanjan, ra-yu, garlic)
もやしとささみフレーク (ごま、醤油、豆板醤、ラー油、にんにく)
Lunch was wierd for me. Because I had a plan to meet my friend, I had to eat something before I went. But I wasn't super hungry. So I ate some shrimp (エビ) and mekabu (めかぶ). This was my first time eating mekabu and I DID NOT like it. I ended up throwing it out and eating a piece of broccoli. It kinda tastes like kuki-wakame, but it's really crunchy, similar to kazu-no-ko, which I HATE. So no more of that for me! I then had a piece of broccoli, instead.
After meeting my friend, I was super hungry. So I came home and had three almonds. Then I thought I would have a salad with broccoli sprouts, asparagus, cottage cheese, and mushrooms. Still hungry, so I had the leftover meat (50g) from the day before. It was still too early for dinner, so I was a bit worried I would be eating too much that day. But maybe it was okay.
For dinner, I just had some fish. Some yummy grilled fish. It was good and full of protein.
I talked to Hideki about the whole children/hip thing again (I did yesterday too) and had a good laugh. I assured him that I would be a new, curvy Sherri and he liked that image too. :)
And before bed, I had my last protein shake. I did feel that I had drank enough protein by the third, but hoped it was all part of the program and results would becoming. (Check tomorrow to see if it did!)
No problem with your meals.
Including your snacking in between meals, you are getting enough protein that you don't need to drink it three times a day. Once or twice will suffice.
If you consume too much protein, it will convert to fat, so be careful.
You can count your protein (drink) towards your water intake too (since I am drinking it with water).
Good to know, I did not want to drink that last protein shake anyways. :)
Must find out my accurate protein gram count so I can calculate it better next time!
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