Sunday, September 29, 2013
Temptation and a Possible Cheat Day 15
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Homemade Soup on Day 14
Friday, September 27, 2013
That Hurts in my Butt Day 13
This morning, decided to take my new friend's example and make an omelette. I cut some yellow and red pepper, about 33g, and some green pepper and lightly fried them in my omelette pan. If you haven't seen one, it's rectangular-shaped and works like a charm (see pics below). Remember to always use extra virigin olive oil when cooking healthy. You don't need much. It's more expensive, but is worth it! (And it's healthier.) Then I mixed two eggs with some soya sauce and Mrs. Dash. I just poured this mixture over the peppers and let it cook until I could see the bottom cooking (until it was almost done). Then flipped it in half from front to back. And I flipped again (it's sideways in the picture though) to get any extra that started coming out. It looked yummy! With this, I had natto and yogurt.
Snack today was dried fish and pickled wakame.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
I'm a Weakling Training Session 3
He asked right away if I had been to the chiropractor again. It was important to realign my hips and help my muscles for weight loss...or something like that. Well, the basic idea seems to make sense. We briefly talked how Japanese women gain weight in their stomach area, whereas western women (generalizing here) tend to gain on butt and thighs. But he thinks that because I can lose weight well on my upper body, which is true, while I find it hard to lose weight on my lower body might be due to my hips, etc. So we'll be going to practitioner for that on Friday. Anyways, we'll see how it goes. I am slightly curious to see if it's going to pay. Not forgetting that during our ''prime birthing years'', women tend to store fat on their hips to prepare for birthing. (It's hard to fight nature.)
On to a weigh-in, my number was only slightly lower than last session. But it was the evening and I had eaten before going. I hope the number is lower next time! :) Checking the scale this morning, I suspect it will decrease by then.
The muscle groups were chest, shoulders, glutes, and abs. We always start with a warm-up with the barbell only. That alone is like 20kg. And then we do three sets with added weight, each time decreasing if it's impossible for me to lift. I say this because as I tried to lift it. It was pretty much impossible to get past five. I needed my instructor's help. Then he says just worry about form, not lifting. Afterwards, he said that he thought I would be able to lift more than I could. And that my goal was to bench-press 40kg. a few more weeks till then. Wish me luck!
The shoulders were almost the same pattern. He said that my frame was bigger, therefore I had more muscle/muscle capability. I said maybe it was just fat!? (lol) But he said no, I had potential. I just needed to get back my strength and power. Okay!
Squats next. First, warm-ups and then, three, no four more sets with weights. I wanted to cry it was so heavy. At one point, I was shaking my head and ready to run away. I felt like a baby. And a total weakling! But I could feel it in my glutes. I did learn that if I was feeling a burn in the front of my legs, by readjusting my balance to my heels I would switch the focus to my butt. Yay, that's what I am targeting!
Lastly, abs. This time, we combined the crunches, sides, and leg pull-ups again, and added what is called lying butt bridges (I googled it). You probably know what this is. Laying on your back with your knees bent, lift your butt/hips in the air and squeeze your glutes. They were easy enough. But I was finding some pain/discomfort in my lower back during the side crunches and leg raises. He said I should let the chiropractor know that.
So that ends my third session. I felt defeated and tired. I had a protein shake afterwards in the locker room, where I made friends with a fellow fighter. She was also on her third session and she spoke English really well! We talked for a while and exchanged contact info, so we could support each other and confide our complaints/hardships. It really lifted up my spirits at the end of it all.
I went home and promptly went to bed. Sleeping like a baby and drooling like one too!
Hidden Meaning and a Birthday on Day 12
All in all, mine turned out to be okay. Well, it started out slow, got even slower, and ended on a high note. :) First off, before I had even woke up...I had been dreaming of cockroaches. Not just normal cockroaches. Cockroaches in all different sizes, including giant ones. And they were all in my humongous clear bag of protein powder. All I could do was scream at them ''Get out of my protein powder!!!'' Yet did not listen. Because it was a dream. And my protein is in a silver foil bag attached with a ziploc. Whatever, not a great start. So either I needed to wake up and get protein after my training the night before. Or the cockroaches were meant to be obstacles that were trying to prevent me from achieving my goal and slow me down on my journey. I hate cockroaches.
So anyways, today I have a lot photos and things to say (I'll try to keep it short)... just read on to see.
Breakfast: Tofu with dried salmon flakes, a boiled egg, cucumber and konbu, and a plain yogurt. I also had protein powder (necessary and cockroach-free), water (also necessary), and coffee (very necessary).
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Eating on Day Eleven
Preparing Healthy Snacks
I wanted to share how I prepared my healthy snacks. Recently my boyfriend and I went shopping and we bought a lot of things that are low-to no fat, high in protein, and generally, nutitious. Wakame, dried squid, seaweed, dried fish, nuts, and cheese. As pictured below, we bought kuki-wakame (茎わかめ), niboshi (にぼし), yaki-nori (焼きのり), atarimeka (あたりめか), almonds (アーモンド), and cheese (チーズ). We had the roasted already at home, so we used that. To be careful of, nuts and cheese can be high in fat, but are okay when consumed in small portions. Five almonds, at most. I put everything in small, easy to grab serving sizes so I would not have to make snacks everyday. I cut the squid and seaweed into bit-sized pieces. The seaweed went with the fish in containers. The cheese is still on the fridge. Anyways, I won't be eating it much. But,still, nice to have. What do you like for a healthy snack?